Curricular Structure

The curriculum structure of the PPGSAT has as its starting point the complexity of the object  "health, environment and work " and the conception of the professional profile who wants to form. It integrates theoretical contents of the founding disciplines of the field of collective health-epidemiology, biostatistics, social Sciences-adding complementary knowledge of environmental sanitation, environmental chemistry, occupational hygiene, ergonomics and Toxicology. 
The curricular grid approved in 2017 consists of a minimum total workload of subjects of 476 hours and a minimum of 136 hours. Basic disciplines of Cará-mandatory: Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEDA-32); Planning and management in health, environment and work (ENGD-09); and socio-anthropological aspects in health, environment and work (MEDB-69), all in the first semester of the course.
In addition to these basic disciplines, the master's degree will necessarily curate the disciplines research methodology in health, environment and work (MEDA-24), first semester; Health Applied Ethics (MEDB-71) and occupational Health and Environment (MEDA-35), second semester; Teaching staff (MEDC-15) (Teaching internship); and scientific writing (MEDB-70) in the third semester; and guided Research session (MEDA-25) throughout the course.
The master will be instructed to attend elective disciplines linked to those of the thematic axis, according to their object of investigation. Besides these, they constitute curricular components of the course: I – disciplines; II-curricular activities; and III-completion work. The student must be credited with at least 28 (twenty-eight) credits and 476 hours of mandatory and 136 hours of optatives. The mandatory disciplines, with their respective credits (in parentheses), are listed below: 

The curricular componentboard covers:

  • Master's degree in health, environment and work/PPGSAT – Salvador (code: M171006)
  • Term of entry into force: 2017.1
  • Minimum Hourload: 476h
  • Minimum optatives: 136h
  • Deadline for completion (in months) Minimum: 12 Max: 36